This post first ran in 2016. But since this is Holy Week, I felt it was appropriate to run again. Have a blessed Easter.
Easter is one of the most glorious days on the Christian calendar. Take a minute to stop and reflect on exactly what that means to each of us. Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified. He died on the cross bearing our sins. On the third day He rose again. Death and the grave were defeated. Because of His sacrifice we have eternal life. No wonder Christians all over the world celebrate Easter.
For most of my life I celebrated Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and then fast forwarded to the empty tomb on Easter morning. I never stopped to think about what happened on the days between.
Then one year I finally heard our Pastor say you can’t truly appreciate Easter if you haven’t traveled the road to the cross. Now there are two things to understand here. The first is I use the word finally because I’m sure he had said it before but it went in one ear and out the other. The second is that he said it much more eloquently than me.
So now I travel with Christ on His journey. On Palm Sunday I stand in church and sing Hosanna in the highest as I wave my palm branch. In my mind I can imagine Jesus riding on the colt and the people welcoming Him as King.
From there I go to Maundy Thursday. I sit at the table in a candlelit room and dine on food such as fish, nuts, bread, cheese, and fruit that Jesus and His disciples might have shared at the Passover or Last Supper. And as the meal concludes and the services progresses I’m reminded that one of Jesus’ own disciples, Judas, had determined in his heart to betray Christ. If I had been there would I have been a Judas or a John?
On Good Friday I enter the church for what has become one of my favorite services – Tenebrae. The lights in the sanctuary are diminished as the services progresses. Scriptures are read, the choir sings, often times there is a brief reenactment of how Christ was betrayed, the crowd having gone from calling Him King to yelling crucify Him in one short week. And some years there is the horrible sound of the nails hammering Christ to the cross.
How you ask, can this be one of my favorite services? Because it drives home how much Jesus sacrificed and suffered for me. Those were my sins that nailed him to the cross, my shame and guilt that put Him in the tomb. As I leave the service in darkness and quiet I realize what His death means to me.
And on Sunday the sanctuary is dark when I enter. But in just a few minutes the shout of Christ is risen, risen indeed is shouted out. The lights are turned on and we rejoice because the stone has been rolled away!
For me the journey to the cross makes Easter morning all the more precious. Deciding whether or not to take that journey is a personal choice, but I hope it is one you will at least consider this year.
What about you? How do you prepare your heart for Easter? I hope you will take a few moments to share with me.
Terri Weldon is a lead analyst by day and an author by night. She enjoys gardening, reading, and shopping for shoes. One of her favorite pastimes is volunteering as the librarian at her church. It allows her to shop for books and spend someone else’s money! Plus, she has the great joy of introducing people to Christian fiction. She lives with her family in Oklahoma. Terri has two adorable Westies – Crosby and Nolly Grace. Terri is a member of ACFW and OCFW, a local chapter of ACFW. Her dream of becoming a published novelist came true in November 2013 when Mistletoe Magic, released from White Rose Publishing.