We ran today's post in November, but had issues with our comments. To be fair to you and Amanda, we're running it again. ~ Sandy
As writers, we have advice at our fingertips about a myriad of topics. One, however, is rarely discussed, and that’s how to take care of our physical bodies as writers.
Like actors or athletes, we work in an environment that requires us to be both quantitative and qualitative. Doing those things simultaneously and doing them well, places a huge amount of stress on the physical. I learned this firsthand when, after several years of pounding out 3k a day, I developed tendon issues in my arms. For a year, I had to take a hiatus from typing, go to physical therapy, and totally redo my desk setup. This was not only difficult for me physically, but emotionally, since creating stories is such an integral part of my heart. Thankfully, I’m now able to write again and am grateful for God’s healing hand on my body. However, I now invest more time and energy into taking care of myself.
As writers, we have advice at our fingertips about a myriad of topics. One, however, is rarely discussed, and that’s how to take care of our physical bodies as writers.
Like actors or athletes, we work in an environment that requires us to be both quantitative and qualitative. Doing those things simultaneously and doing them well, places a huge amount of stress on the physical. I learned this firsthand when, after several years of pounding out 3k a day, I developed tendon issues in my arms. For a year, I had to take a hiatus from typing, go to physical therapy, and totally redo my desk setup. This was not only difficult for me physically, but emotionally, since creating stories is such an integral part of my heart. Thankfully, I’m now able to write again and am grateful for God’s healing hand on my body. However, I now invest more time and energy into taking care of myself.
A few tips:
1. Stay hydrated – With the amount of soft drinks and caffeinated beverages available, most of us don’t drink nearly enough water. Dehydration can bring on side effects such as headaches and lack of energy, two things that can seriously stop a writer’s creative output. Experts say to drink half your weight in ounces. Personally, I try for 3 quarts a day—way more than the recommended amount for my weight. I find that when I drink less, I definitely notice a change in how I feel. I also avoid all soft drinks and only consume caffeine in limited quantities. Along with water, I love a mug of green tea. It’s full of antioxidants, plus I love how it tastes.
2. Consider an ergonomic keyboard – The keyboard on your laptop, while handy and portable, wasn’t designed with ergonomics in mind. Even if you only use an ergonomic one part-time, it can make a huge difference. A supportive desk chair with properly adjusted armrests is also a must. Another option, especially if you’re already experiencing issues, is a voice to text software like Dragon Naturally Speaking. I’m using mine right now to draft this blog post! Though it takes a learning curve and isn’t a hundred percent accurate in dictation, I love using mine, especially when I’m going to be writing a sizable chunk in a short amount of time.
3. Exercise – Before beginning any exercise program, you should of course, consult your doctor. Exercise is great on so many levels – it reduces stress, builds strength, and can be a good way to listen to your favorite podcast while still getting something accomplished. There are also exercises available to help repetitive strain injuries – I do mine every day.
4. Take breaks – At least once an hour, leave your desk and move. This gives you a break mentally, as well as physically.
1. Stay hydrated – With the amount of soft drinks and caffeinated beverages available, most of us don’t drink nearly enough water. Dehydration can bring on side effects such as headaches and lack of energy, two things that can seriously stop a writer’s creative output. Experts say to drink half your weight in ounces. Personally, I try for 3 quarts a day—way more than the recommended amount for my weight. I find that when I drink less, I definitely notice a change in how I feel. I also avoid all soft drinks and only consume caffeine in limited quantities. Along with water, I love a mug of green tea. It’s full of antioxidants, plus I love how it tastes.
2. Consider an ergonomic keyboard – The keyboard on your laptop, while handy and portable, wasn’t designed with ergonomics in mind. Even if you only use an ergonomic one part-time, it can make a huge difference. A supportive desk chair with properly adjusted armrests is also a must. Another option, especially if you’re already experiencing issues, is a voice to text software like Dragon Naturally Speaking. I’m using mine right now to draft this blog post! Though it takes a learning curve and isn’t a hundred percent accurate in dictation, I love using mine, especially when I’m going to be writing a sizable chunk in a short amount of time.
3. Exercise – Before beginning any exercise program, you should of course, consult your doctor. Exercise is great on so many levels – it reduces stress, builds strength, and can be a good way to listen to your favorite podcast while still getting something accomplished. There are also exercises available to help repetitive strain injuries – I do mine every day.
4. Take breaks – At least once an hour, leave your desk and move. This gives you a break mentally, as well as physically.
5. Eat healthy – Today, more than ever, we have access to, putting it bluntly, “junk food.” Athletes stick to a healthy diet to keep their performance levels up. As a writer, I’ve committed to the same. When I make dessert, I sweeten with agave or coconut sugar, and limit the amount I consume to a couple of times a week. While you may not take it to this extreme, if you’re feeling sluggish, maybe reaching for that chocolate bar isn’t the best idea. Try a piece of fruit instead!
I love what I do and want to maximize the health God has given me to the best of my ability, so I can continue to write. I hope you’ve been inspired by some of these tips, or perhaps encouraged in what you’re already doing.
Thanks so much for having me!
Do you have anything to add to Amanda's list?

A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, she lives in the woods of Michigan with her fabulous family, who kindly put up with the invisible people she calls characters.