A myriad of
writing resources talk about honing the craft, but fewer address how to prepare
for a book launch. No matter our publishing path, the industry expects us writers
to play a leading role in spreading the word about our books.
If you’re
looking for some ideas to help launch your book, consider these.
#1: Involve the reader
Why should
readers care? We first ask this question when we start writing our book. Our
characters must have strong motivations, and conflict must drive the plot. Otherwise,
our readers won’t have a reason to care.
We also need to
ask this question when we’re preparing to release our book for sale. Maybe
readers will love the story, but they first have to be interested in it. One
way to help spread the word is to give our audiences a chance to participate in
the release. Here are some ideas to encourage interest:
- Invite them to vote on their favorite cover version. Share previews of a few designs, and give readers a say.
- Create a contest. For The Revisionary, I challenged my students to design the fictitious flag of my dystopian society. I then welcomed the whole school and my blog readers to vote for their favorite design.
- Host a virtual book launch party and invite your friends and readers. Ask trivia questions about your book, and do random drawings to give away prizes.
- Ask your readers to leave an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads.
#2: Run with a pack.
I like to run,
but I enjoy running so much more when I’m with someone else. A friend helps
motivate me to go farther (and perhaps faster) than I usually would.
The same is
true of writing. We can go much farther with people who support us, cheer for
us, and grit their teeth along with us.
If you publish
with a traditional house, you’ll have a built-in support team. Regardless, the
more people on your team, the stronger your launch will be.
One way to
build your own team is through writing critique groups. If you’re part of an
organization like Word Weavers or the American Christian Fiction Writers, take
advantage of critique groups that allow you to both give and receive feedback.
As you develop these relationships, you will likely connect with other writers
in your genre who might consider being advance readers and share the word about
your book with their own friends.
Be ready to
return the favor when it’s someone else’s turn!
#3: Leave the results in God’s hands.
In I
Corinthians 3, Paul reminds his readers that though they may work hard to spread
the gospel, ultimately God gives the increase.
I think the
same is true when we commit our writing projects to God’s care. We do our part
and ask others to help, but ultimately, God is the one who handles the outcome.
Big or small,
the results are in His hands. May our prayer be: Dear Lord, take our stories
and do with them what you will.
Do you have any tips to add for launching a book into the marketplace?

The Revisionary
A Revisionary
rewrites the rules. A Rogue breaks them. Which one is she?
Portia Abernathy accepts her Revisionary draft to the Crystal Globe with one
goal: earn a Dome seat so she can amend the satellite rules and rescue her
brother. Her plan derails when Head Gage Eliab brands her as a suspect in a
campus Rogue attack, and in her quest to clear her name, she questions if the
vigilante Brotherhood responsible might not be the real villain.