Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Finding Balance? by Rachel Dylan

I don't know about you, but in the past couple years I've had a tough time finding that balance between writing on my WIP and EVERY other task of a writer in today's publishing world. Today, author Rachel Dylan encourages you (and me) to find that balance. -- Sandy

Rachel: Most authors know that these days, it’s no longer just about the writing. No, we are expected to be everywhere—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads. The list goes on and on. I have no doubt that it is important to have a strong social media presence and most importantly—to engage your readers.

But…. None of that will matter if you aren’t working on your next book. Readers are hungry for more and their expectations have increased about how many books they will see from their favorite authors.

Since we’re still early in the new year, I would encourage you to try to strike some balance in between writing and social media. Take it from me, that balance is hard to achieve. It’s so easy to get distracted by that Facebook notification or the new Instagram pic. Instead of typing away on chapter three you’re uploading another dog picture…yes, that’s me—Guilty!

Balance is not a one size fits all approach. For me, the balance means writing on weekends and doing social media during this week. That’s because I still work a day job, and I don’t have the creative energy to write during the week. But for you it may mean carving out “social media time” each day. Or it may mean another totally different solution. But if you find yourself on social media all the time, question whether you could put some of that time back into writing. There are always going to be competing demands on our time, but readers first and foremost want to read our books. So I would encourage you to keep that front and center and everything else will flow from that. Social media is a wonderful tool to engage with readers and other writers. Just remember to keep it all in perspective and don’t shortchange your writing time.

What is your biggest obstacle to making progress on your WIP?


Rachel Dylan writes Christian fiction including the Danger in the Deep South and the Windy Ridge Legal Thriller series. Rachel has practiced law for a decade and enjoys weaving together legal and suspenseful stories. She lives in Michigan with her husband and five furkids--two dogs and three cats. Rachel loves to connect with readers. You can find Rachel at Facebook:

Twitter: @dylan_rachel