Sometimes, it's just hard to get going, whether we're beginning a project or in the middle of one. Today, author Mindy Obenhaus provides a major tip to sparking that creativity. -- Sandy
Mindy: Writers are a creative lot. We
create characters and story lines from a spark of an idea. But there are times
when it feels as though you have to fight for every word. Or maybe the words
aren’t coming at all. That’s when you know it’s time to step away from the
computer and allow yourself to explore other avenues of creativity.
An inherent need to create.
Genesis 1:1 says, “In the
beginning, God created the heavens
and the earth.” Genesis 1:27 tells us that, “God created mankind in His own image.” Therefore, if we were created in
God’s image and He created everything, that tells me we were made to create. Still,
what are we to do when the creative well runs dry?
Explore new things.
Creativity comes in so many different
forms. I have a son who loves working with wood. Logs, to be exact. He can take
a plain old log and turn it into a work of art. My oldest daughter repurposes
furniture. Recently I attended a workshop she presented on distressing
furniture. Guess what that’s inspired me to do? Yep, nearly
every piece of furniture in my house is now a candidate.
I have a friend who enjoys making
beautiful cards and another who loves to crochet. Me, I like to create in the
kitchen or break out a can of paint and transform a room.
There are so many things out
there. Everything from scrapbooking to restoring vintage cars. Why not explore
something new?
Creativity gives birth to creativity.
I can’t tell you how many times
I’ve had to step away from the computer, gone on to do something else and then BANG! Suddenly I’ve got dialog running
through my head. Or the scene that seemed impossible to write is now clear as a
bell. The well is no longer dry and the floodgates have opened.
Now it’s your turn.
How do you get creative? When your brain feels clogged and the words just won’t come, how do you get your creative juices flowing again?