I’ve noticed a tendency in myself and in other writers: fear. But fear is detrimental (not to mention tormenting). Here's what lack of courage does:
** Induces procrastination
** Blocks breakthroughs
** Stops our momentum
** Hinders our dreams
Sometimes we’re afraid of failure. Sometimes we’re terrified of succeeding. So, here’s a question: what do you do when you’re afraid? Do you hold back? Try to reassess the situation?
Is God asking you to take new steps in your writing? Is He asking you to approach your number one choice for an agent or editor? Is He directing you to write about the one thing you promised yourself you’d never write about? How is He challenging you? And what are you doing with that challenge?
Maybe it’s time to let that manuscript or proposal go. You’ve made it as strong as you can make it. You’ve had requests for it. Hand it in.
Maybe it’s time to attend that huge writers’ conference. Look in the mirror, remind yourself you are a serious writer, and go!
Maybe it’s time to join a critique group and have others evaluate your work. Oh, joining a crit group takes courage, but it’ll make your writing better than it’s ever been. Do it!
For me, it’s time to send in a manuscript. Deadline: 3/15. Let’s pray for each other, shall we? It’s going to take courage to do what God is asking us to do, and as writers, we’ll need courage from here on out.
Embrace courage. Take God’s proffered hand. And move boldly in the direction of your dreams*, dear writer!
For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand,
Saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”
(Isaiah 41:13 NKJV)
*Love that Thoreau quote: Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.