Summer break is over in Georgia. I know it seems crazy to some
parts of the country, but for us, the summer lasts only eight short weeks. We
try to cram everything in the short timeframe and never seem to take an actual break. For me, summer means endless
demands from my family, my writing career, and my ministry obligations. For
these reasons, the school year is always much more calm and relaxing, being that
my school-aged kids disappear for about seven hours each day during the
And so, a few weeks ago, as summer was coming to a close, I
was struggling… I am in the middle of writing a third novel for my contemporary
romance series. The bulk of this book has been plotted for over a year. I know
these characters well, have thought long and hard about the intricacies of
their quirky ways…and yet, everything I put on paper was rubbish.
Have you been there? When writing, which is normally your
most favorite thing to do, feels like a punishment?
My mind was mush and kept focusing on everything else but the scene I was writing, which was
supposed to flow naturally. So…I did the only thing I knew to do- fast and
I went to God and asked Him to clear my head and get me on
track, to help me to write something better than total rubbish. You know what
His response was instead?
Take a break.
To give my kids the time they needed from me for their last
two weeks of summer. To read a book for enjoyment instead of research or
critiquing purposes. To focus on the devotional posts and speaking engagements
I’d committed to, which by default (or more like God’s intention) got me into
the Word. To spend time with Him and be refreshed…
I closed my manuscript on the computer, and it felt
glorious. I told my husband my new plan, and he said, “Even athletes take a
break. It’s good for you.” Which was more confirmation a break was exactly what
I needed.
Now as the kids go back to school, I’ll be gearing up to
open my manuscript again, only this time I’ll do it feeling ready and refreshed.
“He makes me lie down
in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He
guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:2
Yes, indeed.
Have you ever been through a time in your career like this? Join the conversation and tell us about it!