Thursday, April 22, 2010

Laying Our Foundation

Thursdays - Devotions for Writers

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1Cor. 3: 10-11 NIV)

My husband and I don’t consider ourselves to be fans of reality shows. But, we have become addicted to TV programs that focus on people remodeling, flipping, and staging houses for sale. He's interested in the real estate business, as well as what goes into fixing and changing homes. He’s kind of a “project” guy, himself. I love the creative piece and enjoy seeing the transformation of something old, outdated, and ugly into a home that is beautiful and inviting.

No matter what is done cosmetically to make these homes attractive, if the foundation is in bad shape, all the work will eventually be in vain. It’s like trying to put a colorful Band Aid on a broken arm. It may look pretty for awhile, but it’s not going to help the bone to heal properly and be strong again.

As writers, we’ve learned that we also need to lay foundations for our books. In nonfiction, we better be able to back up our words with research or experience. In fiction, our stories need to have foundations laid with strong characterizations and plots – as well as engaging beginnings, exciting middles, and satisfying endings.

As we write our devotions, articles, or books – we also have another responsibility. And that is to always keep in the forefront what God wants us to convey through written word. I’m not talking about being preachy. Or weaving fifty Bible verses into a novel. The message can be very subtle and still be received.

In order for us to deliver the message that God wants us to write, we first need to make sure our own spiritual foundation is strong. That means spending time with Him, and making sure our relationship is right with Him. It means seeking His will, not only in other aspects of our lives, but in our writing. What story does He want us to pen? What message does He want us to share? If we have those things in place, then our stories will be what God intends them to be – and they will have the power to accomplish what He desires them to. They will be meaningful to the people they were intended to touch.

How strong is your foundation today? At this moment? Have you checked it lately for cracks? Is there any sign of weakness?

Let your foundation be Jesus Christ.

Have a great week!
