Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Year New Groove Series: New View

New View
New Year New Groove Series
Net's Notations Tuesdays

Last week I’d had it. Time to clean up the office. Do you ever get in the zone of cleaning/straightening? Wow, it was great to see the top of my desk again. For a few days anyway. (*wink*)

A clean desk helps me work. I can focus better. I don’t feel so scatterbrained. I’m still in the same home office (which I love) but I have a new view.

Sometimes I work at the library. Oh, I love being surrounded by all those books. Inspires me. This kind of new view makes for some productive hours.

My grandmother used to rearrange her living room (alone!) just for a new view. Great idea. (Though my dad would have liked her to wait until she had help. *smile*)

What kind of view do you see when you sit down to write? Is it time for a change? Maybe go to the local Starbucks (if you don't mind the smell—sorry coffee lovers ;) and write there. Or find a warm beach to visit. (tee hee) One of my writing buddies went to Cancun in 2010. Uh, where do I sign up? I would love to write there!

Another (free) way to enliven your view, especially considering the inclement weather most of us have this time of year, is to put up different wall art. Rearrange the usual stuff on your desk. I have inspirational pieces and pencil holders. I can move those around.

What speaks to you today? Put it in front of you. Seek inspiration and be inspired. You know how you work best, surround yourself with those things.

A new year is a great time for a new view. What will you do to change up your view this week? this year?